Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Meal Train

The Lee family is back in Chicago now. The course of treatment for Ava is still unclear right now, but we do know that Ava will have another bone marrow biopsy done on Monday (December 21st) here in Chicago. This is to track the level of disease and see if it is staying the same, increasing or decreasing. The results of the biopsy might give some insight as to what the next steps are, as well as keep an eye on the cancer. It isn't always easy to tell if cancer is aggressive and fast-moving, or slow/more steady. Even with the results, it may be difficult to determine the best course of action. Thank you for your continued prayers.

In the meantime, the Lee family could really use some love in the form of meals! This will allow them to maximize their time together as a family, even more so while both sets of grandparents are here.

If you are able to provide a meal, whether homecooked or store-bought, please sign up here. If it's easier for you to remember going directly to the website, you can search under "Lee" with the password "bright."

We will begin a fasting/prayer chain as well, and will hopefully have the details up later tonight.

Thank you so much for your continual friendship, support and prayers!

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