Sunday, June 5, 2016

State of Flux

See below for a post from the Team Brighter Days FB page about an hour ago. However, things are in a state of change & re-evaluation. The Lees originally booked tickets to fly out to Seattle today, then cancelled them so Ava can remain here for 5 more days of skin radiation. Thanks for your continued prayers for God's wisdom, healing grace, peace and presence.

After further discussion among Ava's doctors (Chicago Oncologist, Seattle Oncologist, Radiation Oncologist, and Transplant Doctor), they feel the best plan for Ava is to receive another week of radiation in hopes of giving Ava a durable remission in her skin. The thinking is, even if Mylotarg works, Ava will not be able to travel back to Chicago for the rest of her skin radiation. And since leukemia cutis is difficult to resolve, if we do not finish out treatments, she will most likely relapse even after a second transplant.

SO...the plan is to stay in Chicago for one more week to fit in as much radiation as possible. Next weekend, we will head to Seattle for intense chemo - Mylotarg, Fludarabine, Ara-C.

Of course things can change again depending on how the disease progresses. We truly pray that Ava can stay healthy enough to receive what she needs.

Speaking of...we need extra prayers today. Ava spiked a fever last night so we are currently in the ER to make sure she doesn't have any infections. We hope to be out of here soon.

In one way, we are thankful for this blip in plans because it means one more week of perceived normalcy for Ava and a chance for us to say our thank you's and goodbyes. Thank you for your continued prayers and love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is amazing…That smile stays so bright and contagious even in illness! Prayers are with Ava now and forever!