Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Ava's Re-Birthday Party

Thank you to everyone who tried to watch Ava's party via our live stream. We had some technical difficulties like not having sound for half of it but we were so encouraged by the 5 people that continued to watch while posting comments like "no sound," "can't hear," "what is going on?" Hehe. We are blessed to have friends like you-friends that stick it out and watch our silent movie debut! 

We have much to update on but we are here in Seattle for Ava's one year post transplant appointments. Every day is packed with doctors' visits so I don't have time to do a proper post but I wanted to give you a peek into Ava's party. Click the link below to watch the video slideshow we created for the party! 

We couldn't have made it this far without your prayers. We don't deserve any of it but we are thankful that God has been so good to us. He held us up under this suffocating blanket of suffering with the loving hands of all of you.

During this Christmas season, as we look to Christ in awe and adoration for his sacrificial love, we also remember each of you and the way that you made His love tangibly known to us. How can we ever thank Him and you? Maybe not on this earth, but we envision a day when we are praising Him in heaven and as we look to the left and to the right we will see you, and we will wink at you, and you will know. You will know you had a part in encouraging our faith and pointing us toward hope and love.

1 comment:

MD said...

I'm sorry I was that annoying person posting.. No sound, can't hear! 😁