Saturday, November 22, 2014

Day 1: updated

We have switched over to positive numbers: Day +1!

Thanks for your prayers for Ava. She's still in the ICU where she received her transplant yesterday. She's really sensitive to the things that are happening in her body, which can make her anxious or worried. This in turn causes a rise in her BP and difficulty breathing (but no wheezing), which has happened twice so far. She's otherwise doing great, and she's willing to try and stay positive so that they can leave the ICU. Her appetite's gone down quite a bit, so she will get TPN as needed and will probably get lipids today.

Right now she's experiencing a pretty massive stomach ache. As you can imagine, this can cause anxiety in someone who is more than familiar with anaphylaxis and allergic reactions. It's unclear what is causing her stomach aches, though - thank you for your continued prayers!

Ava's BP has been pretty high, with systolic around 140s with meds. Her pressures can decrease down to low 100's when she's sleeping, but we hope to get her back to much lower pressures even while she's awake!

I'll update more as I hear.

They believe Ava's stomach pains are due mucositis from the TBI and chemo she had. Overall, Ava has been taking everything like a champ; the docs have been impressed with how well she seems to be doing. Didn't she go through TBI like it was nothing, not even anesthesia? She even walked downstairs to the ICU for her transplant yesterday! I don't think the docs have ever seen any patient walk to the ICU (understandably)! So she hadn't been started on any pain meds because she was doing so well, while most patients are already on regular pain meds by now. So Ava will be started on some pain meds and hopefully that will help.

Ava's getting her lipids right now, and if everything goes smoothly, she'll be able to transfer out of the ICU. Thanks for your prayers!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your diligent updates! Will keep praying!

Anonymous said...

She's a mighty warrior! Thank you for the updates. We keep her in our prayers.