Thursday, March 6, 2014

Chemo Day 4

I just spoke with Mike on the phone, and was glad to hear that Ava and Esther were sleeping. Mike will spend the night at the Ronald McDonald house with Gwen tonight - the first night that either parent has spent with Gwen this week.

Ava's back pain has pretty much remained the same. She has permission to get up and walk around, but she only got up once and took about 10-15 steps before she wanted to stop. She can straighten her legs and wiggle her toes without difficulty, but she doesn't stand up straight due to the pain. She is usually hunched over when sitting or standing. There's no swelling in her back, but it is very tender.

She's been feeling pretty sad about not being able to move, and her demeanor has noticeably changed the last few days. It's hard to tell if it's a result of the lumbar puncture or the chemo, but since they both started on the same day, it could be a combination of both.

On the positive side, there have been bright moments that have brought Ava cheer, like when she spent almost 5 minutes purely exchanging knock-knock jokes with another friend. She also got special permission today to allow Gwen to visit with her for 4 hours in the room. This will probably be the last time the girls will be able to hang out like that for the remainder of hospital visit, so they will rely on seeing each other/waving through the door or interacting over Facetime. We praise and thank God for these uplifting moments.

Childcare for Gwen has been working out really well. Thank you to everyone who has participated, it's been a great help and Gwen seems to be enjoying herself.

Thank you also to everyone who has provided a meal. Mike and Esther don't expect this at all, and are so appreciative of your generosity.

Prayer requests:

  1. Please continue to pray for Ava's back pain to resolve fully and quickly. Pray that God would encourage her spirit in this difficult time.
  2. Please pray for Mike and Esther to be an effective team, working well together and united in mind and spirit. May God use their different personalities and approaches to accomplish more than either one alone. Pray that in the midst of Ava's illness, they would not forget one another (or themselves). Much of their focus has been on Ava, as expected, but pray that God would build in their family a special strength and intimacy together.
  3. Pray for Gwen, that she would also feel close and connected to Mike, Esther and Ava despite being apart from them for extended periods of time.
Thank you!


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