Friday, March 21, 2014

First Night at Home

From Esther:

"Ava was fever free last night and woke up sooooo happy to be home. Mike and I were up most of the night giving her medication. One at 1am- 2am and another at 7am-8am.  It's every six hours via IV. In our tiredness, we even forgot one, not very serious, (thank God) step. Also, while up doing this, I noticed Ava was having dreams, often punching the air and whimpering. I asked her this morning if she had bad dreams, and she said she must have been although she doesn't remember them exactly. Praying for peace on my child."

1 comment:

Michelle said...

are the dreams from the antifungal medication? it should go away if so... Thanks for openning up your lives to us. praying for ava and your family